Why can't we abandon capitalism? Global Surveys statistics

Despite frequent debates about the shortcomings of capitalism, it remains the dominant economic system throughout the world. This article examines why many countries, including those in the US, Europe and Asia, do not dare to abandon capitalism. We'll examine survey data and expert opinions to understand this phenomenon.

Capitalism: A Brief Overview

Capitalism is characterized by private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods or services for profit. It is praised for promoting innovation and economic growth, but criticized for creating inequality and environmental problems.

Survey statistics

The United States:

Polls in the US show a mixed but generally favorable view of capitalism. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 55% of Americans perceive capitalism positively. Key reasons include a belief in economic freedom and opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation.


In Europe, the attitude towards capitalism is very different. Nordic countries such as Germany and Sweden show relatively high support for capitalism due to their successful mixed economies that combine market dynamics with strong social safety nets. However, in Southern Europe, countries such as Greece and Spain show more skepticism due to economic crises and high unemployment.


Countries in Asia, especially fast-growing economies such as China and India, have embraced capitalism to drive economic development. A study by the Asian Development Bank shows that majorities in these regions support capitalism because of its role in lifting millions out of poverty and driving unprecedented economic growth.

Key reasons for the sustainability of capitalism

Economic Freedom: Many people value the personal and economic freedoms that capitalism provides. This includes the ability to start a business, own property, and trade freely.

Innovation and growth: Capitalism is credited with driving technological progress and economic growth, which are seen as necessary to improve living standards.

Adaptability: Capitalism's ability to adapt and evolve over time, incorporating elements of other systems, helps it overcome its shortcomings and remain relevant.

Global Integration: The interconnected nature of global markets makes it difficult for individual countries to abandon capitalism without facing significant economic disruption.

Criticism and counterarguments

Although capitalism remains dominant, it is not without its detractors. Critics argue that capitalism leads to inequality, environmental degradation and financial instability. However, advocates argue that reforms and regulation can mitigate these problems without abandoning the system entirely.

The persistence of capitalism can be explained by its perceived advantages in terms of economic freedom, innovation and adaptability. Although it faces considerable criticism, global polls show that many people believe that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages, making it unlikely that the world will move away from capitalism in the near future.

Additional source of information Thebreakthrough  


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