
Showing posts with the label cancer prevention

Scientists claim that popular obesity drugs reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer

Recent evidence has shown promising benefits for some obesity drugs beyond their primary purpose of weight management. Researchers have found that these drugs can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer . The discovery was the result of an extensive study that analyzed the medical records of nearly 1.7 million people with type 2 diabetes over more than a decade. Teaching A team of researchers studied the medical histories of 1.7 million people with type 2 diabetes. Examining data collected over a decade, they observed a significant reduction in cancer risk among those who took popular obesity drugs. These findings highlight the potential dual benefits of these drugs, offering both weight loss and cancer prevention. Key findings Reduced risk of cancer: A study found that patients who took an anti-obesity drug had a significantly lower incidence of certain cancers, including colorectal cancer and liver cancer. Long-term benefits: A reduction in the risk of cancer has been observed ove